Rare Variant Analysis

In this notebook, I'm going to analyze the rare variants identified in the Rare Variant Processing notebook.

In [1]:
import copy
import cPickle
import datetime as dt
import glob
import os
import re
import subprocess
import urllib2

import cdpybio as cpb
from ipyparallel import Client
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyencodetools as pet
import pybedtools as pbt
import scipy
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import socket
import statsmodels.stats.multitest as smm
import vcf as pyvcf

import cardipspy as cpy
import ciepy

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

dy_name = 'rare_variant_analysis'

import socket
if socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn1' or socket.gethostname() == 'fl-hn2':
    dy = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'sandbox', 'tmp', dy_name)
outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', dy_name)

private_outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', dy_name)

In [2]:

In [3]:
tg = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_transcript_gene, index_col=0, 
                   header=None, squeeze=True)
gene_info = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_gene_info, index_col=0)
genes = pbt.BedTool(cpy.gencode_gene_bed)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rsem_tpm.tsv')
tpm = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
log_tpm = np.log10(tpm + 1)

cnvs = pd.read_table(os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data',
                                  'cnvs.tsv'), index_col=0)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'wgs_metadata.tsv')
wgs_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0, squeeze=True)
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'rnaseq_metadata.tsv')
rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
rna_meta_eqtl = rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl]
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 'subject_metadata.tsv')
subject_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

rna_meta = rna_meta.merge(subject_meta, left_on='subject_id', right_index=True)

fn = os.path.join(os.path.split(cpy.roadmap_15_state_annotation)[0], 'EIDlegend.txt')
roadmap_ids = pd.read_table(fn, squeeze=True, index_col=0, header=None)

fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'unrelateds.tsv')
unr_rna_meta = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_input', 'peer_10_residuals.tsv')
residuals = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0).T

In [4]:
residuals = residuals[gene_info.ix[residuals.index, 'chrom'].apply(lambda x: x not in ['chrX', 'chrY'])]

In [5]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 
maj_af = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'input_data', 
ase_pval = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
ase_pval = ase_pval[rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl].index]
ase_pval.columns = rna_meta[rna_meta.in_eqtl].wgs_id

locus_p = pd.Panel({'major_allele_freq':maj_af, 'p_val_ase':ase_pval})
locus_p = locus_p.swapaxes(0, 2)

In [6]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 
                  'rare_variant_processing', 'promoter_dhs_variants.pickle')
variants = cPickle.load(open(fn))
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 
                  'rare_variant_processing', 'promoter_dhs_genotypes.tsv')
genotypes = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
# fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 
#                   'rare_variant_processing', 'tf_disruption.tsv')
# tf_disruption = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

In [7]:
unrelateds = unr_rna_meta

I'll remove variants whose minor allele wasn't in the unrelateds or that weren't called in at least 100 of the unrelateds.

In [8]:
variants_f = variants[variants.unr_mac > 0]
variants_f = variants_f[variants_f.unr_called >= 100]

(234529, 25)

I'm trying to decide on the definition of rare. There are 284,025 promoter DHS variants. Here are the number of 1,000 Genomes populations below 0.5% for each variant:

In [9]:
(variants_f[[x for x in variants_f.columns if '_AF' in x]] < 0.005).sum(axis=1).value_counts()

5    100358
0     54222
4     32804
3     22000
1     12788
2     12357
dtype: int64

This is what it looks like if we remove variants that aren't in 1KGP.

In [10]:
tdf = variants_f[variants_f.AF != 0]
(tdf[[x for x in tdf.columns if '_AF' in x]] < 0.005).sum(axis=1).value_counts()

5    58426
0    54222
4    32804
3    22000
1    12788
2    12357
dtype: int64

Let's keep variants with MAF less than 0.5% in 1KGP.

In [11]:
variants_f = variants_f[variants_f.AF <= 0.005]

(126820, 25)

This is the number of alleles observed in my unrelateds:

In [12]:

1     85267
2     13901
3      5407
4      2792
5      1615
6      1117
7       765
9       590
8       555
10      479
Name: unr_mac, dtype: int64

And this is the minor allele frequency:

In [13]:
variants_f['unr_maf'] = (variants_f.unr_mac / (variants_f.unr_called * 2.))
variants_f.unr_maf.hist(bins=np.arange(0, 0.51, 0.01))
plt.ylabel('Number of variants')
plt.xlabel('Minor allele frequency');

There are some variants that I see at a higher frequency but most are rare. I'm going to keep things whose minor allele count is one.

In [14]:
variants_f = variants_f[variants_f.unr_mac == 1]

(85267, 26)

In [15]:
sum([len(x & set(residuals.index)) > 0 for x in variants_f.genes])


In [16]:
variants_f.max_phyloP100way.hist(bins=np.arange(-20, 10.1, 0.1))
plt.xlabel('Max phyloP score')
plt.ylabel('Number of variants');

In [17]:
variants_f.cadd_phred.hist(bins=np.arange(0, 51))
plt.ylabel('Number of variants')
plt.xlabel('CADD PHRED score');

In [18]:
def stratify_on_rare(variants, genotypes, exp, ase_pvals):
    has_rare = pd.DataFrame(False, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    cadd = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    phylop = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    for i,ind in enumerate(variants.index):
        se = genotypes.ix[ind, unrelateds.wgs_id]
        mode = se.mode().values[0]
        se = se.fillna(mode)
        rare_samples = se[se != mode].index
        not_rare_samples = se[se == mode].index
        has_rare.ix[variants.ix[i, 'genes'], rare_samples] = True
        for g in variants.ix[i, 'genes']: 
            cadd.ix[g, rare_samples] = \
                pd.DataFrame([cadd.ix[g, rare_samples].values, 
                              variants.ix[i, 'cadd_phred'] * np.ones(len(rare_samples))]).max().values
            phylop.ix[g, rare_samples] = \
                pd.DataFrame([phylop.ix[g, rare_samples].values, 
                              variants.ix[i, 'max_phyloP100way'] * np.ones(len(rare_samples))]).max().values
    has_rare_f = has_rare.ix[exp.index]
    cadd_f = cadd.ix[has_rare_f.index]
    phylop_f = phylop.ix[has_rare_f.index]

    has_rare_f = has_rare_f.stack()
    cadd_f = cadd_f.stack()
    phylop_f = phylop_f.stack()
    sz = exp.stack()
    ases = ase_pvals.stack()

    rare_info = pd.DataFrame({'exp':sz.ix[has_rare_f[has_rare_f].index], 
    rare_info['ase_pval'] = ases.ix[rare_info.index]
    not_rare_info = pd.DataFrame({'exp':sz.ix[has_rare_f[has_rare_f == False].index]})
    not_rare_info['ase_pval'] = ases.ix[not_rare_info.index]
    return rare_info, not_rare_info

def summarize_stratification(rare_info, not_rare_info):
    r = sum(rare_info.ase_pval.dropna() < 0.005) / float(rare_info.ase_pval.dropna().shape[0])
    nr = sum(not_rare_info.ase_pval.dropna() < 0.005) / float(not_rare_info.ase_pval.dropna().shape[0])
    a = (rare_info.ase_pval.dropna() < 0.005).value_counts()
    b = (not_rare_info.ase_pval.dropna() < 0.005).value_counts()
    odds, p = stats.fisher_exact([[a[True], a[False]], [b[True], b[False]]])
    print('Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE {:.2f}% of the '
          'time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE '
          '{:.2f}% of the time (odds={:.2f}, p={:.2e}, Fisher exact).\n'.format(r * 100, nr * 100, odds, p))

    s,p = stats.mannwhitneyu(rare_info.exp, not_rare_info.exp)
    print('Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without '
          'rare promoter DHS variants: p={:.2e}.\n'.format(p))

    s,p = stats.mannwhitneyu(rare_info.exp.abs(), not_rare_info.exp.abs())
    print('Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without '
          'rare promoter DHS variants: p={:.2e}.\n'.format(p))

    weights = np.ones_like(not_rare_info.exp) / float(not_rare_info.shape[0])
    m = np.floor(min(not_rare_info.exp.min(), rare_info.exp.min()))
    not_rare_info.exp.hist(bins=np.arange(m, abs(m) + 0.2, 0.2), 
                           alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled', 
                           label='not rare $n={}$'.format(not_rare_info.shape[0]),
    weights = np.ones_like(rare_info.exp) / float(rare_info.shape[0])
    rare_info.exp.hist(bins=np.arange(m, abs(m) + 0.2, 0.2), 
                       alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled', 
                       label='rare $n={}$'.format(rare_info.shape[0]),
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of gene/sample pairs');
def make_pdfs_cdfs(rare_info, not_rare_info):
    # Make PDFs
    m = np.floor(rare_info.exp.min())
    pdfs = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(m, abs(m) + 0.1, 0.1))
    density = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(rare_info.exp)
    pdfs['rare'] = density(pdfs.index)
    density = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(not_rare_info.exp)
    pdfs['not_rare'] = density(pdfs.index)
    fig,axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
    ax = axs[0]

    # Plot PDFs
    pdfs.rare.plot(label='rare', ax=ax)
    pdfs.not_rare.plot(label='not rare', ax=ax)
    ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of genes')
    ax = axs[1]
    (pdfs.rare - pdfs.not_rare).plot(ax=ax)
    ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$(rare - not rare) fraction of genes')
    # Make CDFs
    cdfs = pd.DataFrame(index=pdfs.index)
    area = [0]
    for i in range(1, cdfs.shape[0]):
        area.append(0.5 * (pdfs['rare'].loc[pdfs.index[i - 1]] + pdfs['rare'][pdfs.index[i]]) * 0.1)
    cdfs['rare'] = pd.Series(area, index=cdfs.index).cumsum()
    area = [0]
    for i in range(1, cdfs.shape[0]):
        area.append(0.5 * (pdfs['not_rare'].loc[pdfs.index[i - 1]] + pdfs['not_rare'][pdfs.index[i]]) * 0.1)
    cdfs['not_rare'] = pd.Series(area, index=cdfs.index).cumsum()
    # Plot CDFs
    return pdfs, cdfs

In [19]:
residuals_c = (residuals.T - residuals.mean(axis=1)).T
residuals_z = (residuals_c.T / residuals_c.std(axis=1)).T

All unrelateds

In [20]:
std = residuals.std(axis=1)
std.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False)
rc = residuals_z.ix[std.head(500).index, unrelateds.wgs_id].corr()
sns.heatmap(rc, xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[])
plt.title('Sample correlation');

The samples aren't really correlated in any meaningful way after PEER, so I think I can use samples from different ancestries.

In [21]:
a = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'all_rare_variants_info.tsv')
b = os.path.join(private_outdir, 'all_not_rare_variants_info.tsv.gz')
if not os.path.exists(a) and not os.path.exists(b):
    all_rare_info, all_not_rare_info = stratify_on_rare(
    all_rare_info.to_csv(a, sep='\t')
    all_not_rare_info.to_csv(b, sep='\t', compression='gzip')
    all_rare_info = pd.read_table(a, index_col=0)
    all_not_rare_info = pd.read_table(b, index_col=0)

In [22]:
(all_rare_info.shape[0] + all_not_rare_info.shape[0]) / 131.


In [23]:
len(set(all_rare_info.index) | set(all_not_rare_info.index))


In [24]:
robust_exp = pd.Series(False, index=gene_info.index)
robust_exp.ix[residuals_z.index] = True
tt = [sum(robust_exp[x]) > 0 for x in variants_f.genes]
print('Found {:,} distinct rpdSNVs.'.format(sum(tt)))

Found 65,530 distinct rpdSNVs.

In [25]:
n = len(set([x[0] for x in all_rare_info.index]))
print('{:,} of {:,} robustly expressed genes have at least one rpdSNV.'.format(n, residuals_z.shape[0]))

14,589 of 17,820 robustly expressed genes have at least one rpdSNV.

Note that I use all gene expression values, even if a particular gene didn't have an rpdSNV in any sample.

In [58]:
n = all_rare_info.shape[0]
print('{:,} gene expression estimates from gene/samples with an rpdSNV.'.format(n))

69,013 gene expression estimates from genes with an rpdSNV.

In [60]:
n = all_not_rare_info.shape[0]
print('{:,} gene expression estimates from gene/samples without an rpdSNV.'.format(n))

2,265,407 gene expression estimates from gene/samples without an rpdSNV.

In [28]:
all_rare_info.shape[0] + all_not_rare_info.shape[0]


In [63]:


In [30]:
summarize_stratification(all_rare_info, all_not_rare_info)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 3.47% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.84% of the time (odds=1.23, p=1.41e-09, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=8.76e-04.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=1.20e-10.

In [31]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(all_rare_info, all_not_rare_info)

In [32]:
vc = pd.Series([x[1] for x in all_rare_info.index]).value_counts()
c = pd.Series(['red', 'blue'], index=['Blood', 'Fibroblast'])[wgs_meta.ix[vc.index, 'cell']]
vc.plot(kind='bar', color=c)

In [33]:
stats.spearmanr(all_rare_info.exp.abs(), all_rare_info.cadd)

SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.012427603076504978, pvalue=0.0010952642566033782)

In [34]:
stats.spearmanr(all_rare_info.exp.abs(), all_rare_info.phylop)

SpearmanrResult(correlation=0.015946330729231361, pvalue=2.7976270906012305e-05)

In [35]:
summarize_stratification(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.cadd >= 10], all_not_rare_info)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 3.63% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.84% of the time (odds=1.29, p=3.17e-05, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=2.60e-05.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=7.10e-15.

In [36]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.cadd >= 10], all_not_rare_info)

In [37]:
summarize_stratification(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.cadd >= 20], all_not_rare_info)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 4.64% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.84% of the time (odds=1.66, p=8.01e-04, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=1.70e-05.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=4.56e-06.

In [38]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.cadd >= 20], all_not_rare_info)

In [39]:
summarize_stratification(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.phylop >= 1], all_not_rare_info)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 3.53% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.84% of the time (odds=1.25, p=4.20e-03, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=7.31e-06.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=2.29e-11.

In [40]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.phylop >= 1], all_not_rare_info)

In [41]:
summarize_stratification(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.phylop >= 3], all_not_rare_info)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 4.71% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.84% of the time (odds=1.69, p=1.89e-04, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=1.24e-05.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=7.90e-06.

In [42]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(all_rare_info[all_rare_info.phylop >= 3], all_not_rare_info)

Rare CNVs

In [43]:
fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output', 'rare_variant_processing', 'rare_cnvs.pickle')
rare_cnv_info = cPickle.load(open(fn))

In [44]:
def stratify_on_rare_cnvs(variants, exp, ase_pvals):
    has_rare = pd.DataFrame(False, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    contains_gene = pd.DataFrame(False, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    overlaps_exon = pd.DataFrame(False, index=gene_info.index, columns=unrelateds.wgs_id)
    for i,ind in enumerate(variants.index):
        has_rare.ix[variants.ix[i, 'overlaps_gene'], variants.ix[i, 'sample']] = True
        if variants.ix[i, 'contains_gene'] > np.nan:
            contains_gene.ix[variants.ix[i, 'contains_gene'], variants.ix[i, 'sample']] = True
        if variants.ix[i, 'overlaps_gene_exon'] > np.nan:
            overlaps_exon.ix[variants.ix[i, 'overlaps_gene_exon'], variants.ix[i, 'sample']] = True
    has_rare_f = has_rare.ix[exp.index]
    contains_gene_f = contains_gene.ix[has_rare_f.index]
    overlaps_exon_f = overlaps_exon.ix[has_rare_f.index]

    has_rare_f = has_rare_f.stack()
    contains_gene_f = contains_gene_f.stack()
    overlaps_exon_f = overlaps_exon_f.stack()
    sz = exp.stack()
    ases = ase_pvals.stack()

    rare_info = pd.DataFrame({'exp':sz.ix[has_rare_f[has_rare_f].index], 
    rare_info['ase_pval'] = ases.ix[rare_info.index]
    not_rare_info = pd.DataFrame({'exp':sz.ix[has_rare_f[has_rare_f == False].index]})
    not_rare_info['ase_pval'] = ases.ix[not_rare_info.index]
    return rare_info, not_rare_info

In [45]:
rare_del, not_rare_del = stratify_on_rare_cnvs(
    rare_cnv_info[rare_cnv_info.svtype == 'DEL'], residuals_z, ase_pval)

In [46]:
rare_dup, not_rare_dup = stratify_on_rare_cnvs(
    rare_cnv_info[rare_cnv_info.svtype == 'DUP'], residuals_z, ase_pval)


In [66]:
a = rare_del.overlaps_exon.sum()
b = rare_del.shape[0]
print('{} of {} rare deletions overlap exons.'.format(a, b))

507 of 2122 rare deletions overlap exons.

In [48]:
summarize_stratification(rare_del, not_rare_del)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 4.01% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.86% of the time (odds=1.42, p=6.55e-02, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=3.23e-03.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=3.01e-09.

In [49]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(rare_del, not_rare_del)

In [50]:
summarize_stratification(rare_del[rare_del.overlaps_exon], not_rare_del)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 9.09% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.86% of the time (odds=3.39, p=1.55e-04, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=8.45e-15.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=1.58e-19.

In [51]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(rare_del[rare_del.overlaps_exon], not_rare_del)


In [52]:
a = rare_dup.overlaps_exon.sum()
b = rare_dup.shape[0]
print('{} of {} rare duplications overlap exons.'.format(a, b))

224 of 428 rare duplications overlap exons.

In [53]:
summarize_stratification(rare_dup, not_rare_dup)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 15.58% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.86% of the time (odds=6.26, p=1.94e-11, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=1.96e-07.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=2.91e-16.

In [54]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(rare_dup, not_rare_dup)

In [55]:
summarize_stratification(rare_dup[rare_dup.overlaps_exon], not_rare_dup)

Gene/samples with rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 28.00% of the time while gene/samples without rare promoter DHS variant have ASE 2.86% of the time (odds=13.19, p=1.87e-15, Fisher exact).

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression values for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=3.91e-07.

Mann Whitney U for distributions of expression magnitudes for genes with and without rare promoter DHS variants: p=2.80e-13.

In [56]:
all_pdfs,all_cdfs = make_pdfs_cdfs(rare_dup[rare_dup.overlaps_exon], not_rare_dup)

In [57]:
rare_del.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'rare_del.tsv'), sep='\t')
not_rare_del.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'not_rare_del.tsv'), sep='\t')

rare_dup.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'rare_dup.tsv'), sep='\t')
not_rare_dup.to_csv(os.path.join(private_outdir, 'not_rare_dup.tsv'), sep='\t')

In [81]:
s,p = stats.mannwhitneyu(rare_dup.ix[rare_dup.overlaps_exon, 'exp'],
                         rare_dup.ix[rare_dup.overlaps_exon == False, 'exp'])
print('The distribution of expression values between rare duplications that overlap '
      'exons and rare dups that don\'t overlap exons is significantly different '
      '(p={:.4f}, Mann Whitney U).'.format(p))

The distribution of expression values between rare duplications that overlap exons and rare dups that don't overlap exons is significantly different (p=0.0147, Mann Whitney U).

In [79]:
s,p = stats.mannwhitneyu(rare_del.ix[rare_del.overlaps_exon, 'exp'],
                         rare_del.ix[rare_del.overlaps_exon == False, 'exp'])
print('The distribution of expression values between rare deletions that overlap '
      'exons and rare dels that don\'t overlap exons is significantly different '
      '(p={:.3e}, Mann Whitney U).'.format(p))

The distribution of expression values between rare deletions that overlap exons and rare dels that don't overlap exons is significantly different (p=5.608e-13, Mann Whitney U).

In [82]:

contains_gene exp overlaps_exon ase_pval
ENSG00000001084.6 62e55d9a-4bf7-4ab1-bfc1-32b711e68dd4 False -3.318450 True NaN
ENSG00000002746.10 397d0f20-b491-4964-a9a9-e1ebd87402dc False 0.526238 False NaN
ENSG00000002822.11 b562db25-cd6f-448c-9ea1-b540b0dfb3e1 False -0.597312 False NaN
54cdb61b-d075-4423-b5c5-be0f078f437a False 0.729471 False 0.012516
ENSG00000004455.12 cd674581-d304-4aeb-9df1-da9c2db3b435 False 1.156386 True 0.598329

In [93]:
a = rare_del[rare_del.contains_gene & rare_del.overlaps_exon]
b = rare_del[(rare_del.contains_gene == False) & rare_del.overlaps_exon]

In [101]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7feba752fd10>

In [92]:
pd.crosstab(rare_del.contains_gene, rare_del.overlaps_exon)

overlaps_exon False True
False 1615 482
True 0 25

In [91]:

overlaps_gene_exon end name start overlaps_gene contains_gene nearest_tss_dist chrom caller sample svtype
DEL_1_873419_874049 NaN 874049 DEL_1_873419_874049 873419 {ENSG00000187634.6} NaN 606 chr1 lumpy 4df98c9a-93f7-4735-80c8-24b1e8943549 DEL
DEL_1_1031708_1032208 NaN 1032208 DEL_1_1031708_1032208 1031708 {ENSG00000131591.13} NaN -3516 chr1 lumpy 52b5b09b-c63a-4952-84cf-95dd7200be39 DEL
DEL_1_2201991_2202145 NaN 2202145 DEL_1_2201991_2202145 2201991 {ENSG00000157933.9} NaN -22557 chr1 lumpy 8ae6e66c-b3a2-436a-8a28-94356cd373fd DEL
DEL_1_3097279_3097285 NaN 3097285 DEL_1_3097279_3097285 3097279 {ENSG00000142611.12} NaN -47007 chr1 lumpy 6578eed0-d583-4065-b30c-f0814dff2b00 DEL
DEL_1_3274113_3276459 NaN 3276459 DEL_1_3274113_3276459 3274113 {ENSG00000142611.12} NaN 36596 chr1 lumpy 32ee31cb-156d-4a95-a708-6271f7e2cbab DEL

In [112]:


In [109]:

In [107]:


In [ ]:
pvals = pd.DataFrame(stats.norm.cdf(tdf), index=tdf.index, columns=tdf.columns)